Sunday, September 11, 2011

Day 63

Thursday, September, 8

Miles: 55

We woke up at the Bike Inn to roosters crowing and ducks clucking. We looked out the window and saw that there were tons of animals in the backyard! Ducks, chickens, billygoats, cats..

I went down the street to buy some coffee to donate to the bike inn for future users (there was a coffee maker). We cooked awesome egg sandwiches with the eggs, English muffins and cheese provided for us in the fridge. It was awesome to cook breakfast on an actual stove again!

We rode for what seems like forever to the next town, Dayville. We were mentally unmotivated and stayed at the general store there for over an hour, drinking redbull and eating candy bars.

We rode a bit further and went into an awesome gorge carved in between two mountains by a river. It was beautiful but uphill

The view just before going into the gorge

This area used to be a tropical jungle and there have been awesome fossils found here from that time

It was slow going for over 30 miles uphill. It was hot and tiring. I started feeling a bit ill, like weak and shaky, probably due to not enough water. Eventually, I felt so bad that we had to ask a person driving by for a ride into town because we were just too spent. Jay and his wife Kelly were kind enough to drive us into the next town, Prineville. They were from Idaho but driving to Madras, about 30 miles north of Prineville because Jay is a helicopter pilot and was going to fight a forest fire. He had a lot of cool stories about flying, which he learned to do in the army.

Once we got into Prineville, we discovered that there was a 3 day motorcycle rally going on. This meant that there were a bunch of loud, drunk Harley Davidson riders surrounding our campsite. They were loud all night, then woke up early and were loud again. Then they all started their engines, revved them for a good while and rode off, only to return a few minutes later and resume their noisiness. That was rather annoying.

Location:Prineville, OR

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