Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 8

Friday, July 15

Miles today: 84

There is no flat- only up and down. I guess it makes the ride interesting but it really is hard work. The last 15 miles today were pretty tiring, we stopped to get groceries for dinner and then just had to think about how hungry we were until we got to the campsite. The meal was delicious though and worth the wait- pasta with tofu, red pepper and broccoli. We love our little camp stove!

The highlight of the day was our trip to see the Natural Bridge. It was owned by Thomas Jefferson for a while and George Washington surveyed it. It is one of the seven natural wonders of the world (so we hear). It was beautiful and we wished we had more time to explore the trails and the caves but we didn't stay long bc we knew we had a long day ahead.

That little speck of green is Ben. It's that huge! It was really cool to see



  1. Wow, 84 miles! That's amazing! Great picture of the Natural Bridge - it took a moment before I could find that little green speck that is Ben, and then I realized how big the bridge really is. It sounds like you are eating better than me. Every time you describe your meals it makes me want to have some. Maybe you should write a cookbook for bikers!
    P.S. I like the tent.

  2. I'm glad you are having fun, but I must admit I'm looking forward to your return. In the meantime, I will continue to sleep most of the day away.
